Galia Avidan's Lab for Visual & Interoceptive Perception
Department of Psychology, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Publications over the last thirteen years
See full publications on Galia Avidan's Google Scholar
Ofek Finkelstein, Gidon Levakov, Alon Kaplan, Hila Zelicha, Anat Yaskolka Meir, Ehud Rinott, Gal Tsaban, Anja Veronica Witte, Matthias Blüher, Michael Stumvoll, Ilan Shelef, Iris Shai, Tammy Riklin Raviv, Galia Avidan
Human Brain Mapping 45 (3), e26595
Tal Lulav-Bash, Galia Avidan, Bat-Sheva Hadad
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 31 (1), 196-208
Functional Specialization Across the Visual Cortex
Erez Freud, Tzvi Ganel, Galia Avidan
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Neuroscience
Functional connectivity of the human face network exhibits right hemispheric lateralization from infancy to adulthood
Keren Lesinger, Gideon Rosenthal, Karen Pierce, Eric Courchesne, Ilan Dinstein, Galia Avidan
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 20831
Reliability and validity of brain‐gastric phase synchronization
Gidon Levakov, Shira Ganor, Galia Avidan
Human Brain Mapping 44 (14), 4956-4966
Bidirectional and parallel relationships in macaque face circuit revealed by fMRI and causal pharmacological inactivation
Marlene Behrmann, Galia Avidan, Janita N Turchi, Fadila Hadj-Bouziane, Ning Liu
Journal of Vision 23 (9), 4578-4578
Fine-scale dynamics of functional connectivity in the face-processing network during movie watching
Gidon Levakov, Olaf Sporns, Galia Avidan
Cell Reports 42 (6)
Marissa Hartston, Galia Avidan, Tal Bash Lulav, Yael Goldstein-Marcusohn, Bat Sheva Hadad
INSAR 2023
The effect of weight loss following 18 months of lifestyle intervention on brain age assessed with resting-state functional connectivity
Gidon Levakov, Alon Kaplan, Anat Yaskolka Meir, Ehud Rinott, Gal Tsaban, Hila Zelicha, Matthias Blüher, Uta Ceglarek, Michael Stumvoll, Ilan Shelef, Galia Avidan, Iris Shai
Elife 12, e83604
Weaker face recognition in adults with autism arises from perceptually based alterations
Marissa Hartston, Galia Avidan, Yoni Pertzov, Bat‐Sheva Hadad
Autism Research
Nature communications 13 (1), 6787
Andreja Stajduhar, Tzvi Ganel, Galia Avidan, R Shayna Rosenbaum, Erez Freud
Cognitive research: principles and implications 7 (1), 1-10
Alon Kaplan, Hila Zelicha, Anat Yaskolka Meir, Ehud Rinott, Gal Tsaban, Gidon Levakov, Ofer Prager, Moti Salti, Yoram Yovell, Jonathan Ofer, Sebastian Huhn, Frauke Beyer, Veronica Witte, Arno Villringer, Nachshon Meiran, Tamar B Emesh, Peter Kovacs, Martin von Bergen, Uta Ceglarek, Matthias Blüher, Michael Stumvoll, Frank B Hu, Meir J Stampfer, Alon Friedman, Ilan Shelef, Galia Avidan, Iris Shai
The American journal of clinical nutrition 115 (5), 1270-1281
The Compositionality of Facial Expressions
Carmel Sofer, Ron Dotsch, Dan Vilenchik, Galia Avidan
Perception 51 (3), 172-186
Face perception: computational insights from phylogeny
Marlene Behrmann, Galia Avidan
Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Fine-scale dynamics of functional connectivity in the face processing network during movie watching
Gidon Levakov, Olaf Sporns, Galia Avidan
Modular community structure of the face network supports face recognition
Gidon Levakov, Olaf Sporns, Galia Avidan
Cerebral Cortex
Gidon Levakov, Joshua Faskowitz, Galia Avidan, Olaf Sporns
Neuroimage 242, 118469
When better is worse: Better face recognizers are more susceptible to the effect of face masks
Andreja Stajduhar, Tzvi Ganel, Galia Avidan, R Shayna Rosenbaum, Erez Freud
Journal of Vision 21 (9), 2820-2820
Spatial integration in normal face processing and its breakdown in congenital prosopagnosia
Galia Avidan, Marlene Behrmann
Ann. Rev. Vis. Sci 7
Neural correlates of future weight loss reveal a possible role for brain-gastric interactions
Gidon Levakov, Alon Kaplan, Anat Yaskolka Meir, Ehud Rinott, Gal Tsaban, Hila Zelicha, Nachshon Meiran, Ilan Shelef, Iris Shai, Galia Avidan
Neuroimage 224, 117403
The COVID-19 pandemic masks the way people perceive faces
Erez Freud, Andreja Stajduhar, R Shayna Rosenbaum, Galia Avidan, Tzvi Ganel
Scientific reports 10 (1), 1-8
Regression to the mean enhances perceptual resolutions of face identification
Tal Lulav-Bash, Galia Avidan, Nahal Binur, Bat-Sheva Hadad
Journal of Vision 20 (11), 1177-1177
Gidon Levakov, Gideon Rosenthal, Ilan Shelef, Tammy Riklin Raviv, Galia Avidan
Human brain mapping 41 (12), 3235-3252
Rapid forgetting of faces in congenital prosopagnosia
Yoni Pertzov, Dana Krill, Nilly Weiss, Keren Lesinger, Galia Avidan
Cortex 129, 119-132
Yael Holzinger, Shimon Ullman, Daniel Harari, Marlene Behrmann, Galia Avidan
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 31 (9), 1354-1367
Emotional cues differently modulate visual processing of faces and objects.
Elite Mardo, Sivan Schwartz, Galia Avidan, Bat-Sheva Hadad
Emotion 19 (4), 573
Carmel Sofer, Dan Vilenchik, Ron Dotsch, Galia Avidan
Gidon Levakov, Gideon Rosenthal, Tammy Riklin Raviv, Ilan Shelef, Galia Avidan
bioRxiv, 803742
Adults’ Markers of Face Processing Are Present at Age 6 and Are Interconnected Along Development
Elite Mardo, Galia Avidan, Bat-Sheva Hadad
Perception 47 (10-11), 1002-1028
Galia Avidan, Yael Holzinger, Shimon Ullman, Marlene Behrmann
Journal of Vision 18 (10), 407-407
Emotion Algebra reveals the richness of meanings of facial expressions
Carmel Sofer, Dan Vilenchik, Ron Dotsch, Galia Avidan
Journal of Vision 18 (10), 193-193
Holistic face representation is highly orientation-specific
Gideon Rosenthal, Gidon Levakov, Galia Avidan
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 25 (4), 1351-1357
Dana Krill, Galia Avidan, Yoni Pertzov
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1319
Gideon Rosenthal, František Váša, Alessandra Griffa, Patric Hagmann, Enrico Amico, Joaquín Goñi, Galia Avidan, Olaf Sporns
Nature communications 9 (1), 1-12
Visual aversive learning compromises sensory discrimination
Lee Shalev, Rony Paz, Galia Avidan
Journal of Neuroscience 38 (11), 2766-2779
A possible neuronal account for the behavioural heterogeneity in congenital prosopagnosia
Gideon Rosenthal, Galia Avidan
Cognitive Neuropsychology 35 (1-2), 74-77
Stimulus dependent dynamic reorganization of the human face processing network
Gideon Rosenthal, Olaf Sporns, Galia Avidan
Cerebral Cortex 27 (10), 4823-4834
The effects of emotional cues on visual perception and the special case of faces
Batsheva Hadad, Elite Mardo, Galia Avidan
Journal of Vision 17 (10), 911-911
Altered topology of neural circuits in congenital prosopagnosia
Gideon Rosenthal, Michal Tanzer, Erez Simony, Uri Hasson, Marlene Behrmann, Galia Avidan
Elife 6, e25069
Erez Freud, Tzvi Ganel, Ilan Shelef, Maxim D Hammer, Galia Avidan, Marlene Behrmann
Cerebral Cortex 27 (1), 422-434
Dan Nemrodov, Adrian Nestor, Galia Avidan, David Plaut, Marlene Behrmann
Journal of Vision 16 (12), 1234-1234
Phasic alertness enhances processing of face and non-face stimuli in congenital prosopagnosia
Michal Tanzer, Noam Weinbach, Elite Mardo, Avishai Henik, Galia Avidan
Neuropsychologia 89, 299-308
Neural mechanisms of face perception, their emergence over development, and their breakdown
Marlene Behrmann, K Suzanne Scherf, Galia Avidan
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science 7 (4), 247-263
Erez Freud, Tzvi Ganel, Galia Avidan, Sharon Gilaie-Dotan
Cortex 76, 17-27
Visual expertise for horses in a case of congenital prosopagnosia
Nilly Weiss, Elite Mardo, Galia Avidan
Neuropsychologia 83, 63-75
Erez Freud, Tzvi Ganel, Galia Avidan
NeuroImage 122, 188-194
Effects of configural processing on the perceptual spatial resolution for face features
Gal Namdar, Galia Avidan, Tzvi Ganel
Cortex 72, 115-123
Elite Mardo, Bat Sheva Hadad, Galia Avidan
Journal of Vision 15 (12), 1201-1201
Intact implicit representation of object 3D structure in object agnosia
Erez Freud, Tzvi Ganel, Galia Avidan, Marlene Behrmann
Journal of Vision 15 (12), 1099-1099
Erez Freud, Gideon Rosenthal, Tzvi Ganel, Galia Avidan
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 27 (5), 1029-1043
Evidence for similar early but not late representation of possible and impossible objects
Erez Freud, Bat-Sheva Hadad, Galia Avidan, Tzvi Ganel
Frontiers in Psychology 6, 94
Erez Freud, Galia Avidan, Tzvi Ganel
Psychonomic bulletin & review 22 (1), 297-306
Michal Tanzer, Golan Shahar, Galia Avidan
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 602
Structural and functional impairment of the face processing network in congenital prosopagnosia
Galia Avidan, Michal Tanzer, Marlene Behrmann
Journal of Vision 14 (10), 1453-1453
Ruth Kimchi, Marlene Behrmann, Galia Avidan, Rama Amishav
Journal of Vision 14 (10), 206-206
Structural properties of white matter circuits necessary for face perception
Suzy Scherf, Marlene Behrmann, Cibu Thomas, Galia Avidan, Dan Elbich
Journal of Vision 14 (10), 1464-1464
Gideon Rosenthal, Erez Freud, Tzvi Ganel, Galia Avidan
The neural signature of spatial uncertainty
Erez Freud, Gideon Rosenthal, Tzvi Ganel, Galia Avidan
Visual aversive learning increases generalization
Lilach Shalev, Rony Paz, Galia Avidan
Phasic alertness enhances holistic face perception in congenital prosopagnosia
Michal Tanzer, Noam Weinbach, Elite Mardo, Avishai Henik,
Galia Avidan
Impairment of the face processing network in congenital prosopagnosia
Galia Avidan, Marlene Behrmann
Frontiers in Bioscience-Elite 6 (2), 236-257
Galia Avidan, Michal Tanzer, Fadila Hadj-Bouziane, Ning Liu, Leslie G Ungerleider, Marlene Behrmann
Cerebral cortex 24 (6), 1565-1578
Marlene Behrmann, Jennifer J Richler, Galia Avidan, Ruth Kimchi
Michal Tanzer, Golan Shahar, Galia Avidan
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8
Visual expertise in the absence of holistic processing in congenital prosopagnosia
Nilly Weiss, Elite Mardo, Galia Avidan
Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 53, S130
Holistic processing of impossible objects: Evidence from Garner’s speeded-classification task
Erez Freud, Galia Avidan, Tzvi Ganel
Vision Research 93, 10-18
Impaired holistic processing in congenital prosopagnosia and its possible amelioration
Michal Tanzer, Noam Weinbach, Erez Freud, Tzvi Ganel, Avishai Henik, Galia Avidan
Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 51, S121-S121
Evidence for similar early but not late representation of possible and impossible objects
Erez Freud, Bat Sheva Hadad, Galia Avidan, Tzvi Ganel
Does social support protect against recognition of angry facial expressions following failure?
Michal Tanzer, Galia Avidan, Golan Shahar
Cognition & Emotion 27 (7), 1335-1344
Michal Tanzer, Erez Freud, Tzvi Ganel, Galia Avida
Cognitive Neuropsychology 30 (6), 429-445
Remapping of the environment without corollary discharges: Evidence from scene-based IOR
Shai Gabay, Yoni Pertzov, Noga Cohen, Galia Avidan, Avishai Henik
Journal of Vision 13 (8), 22-22
Michal Tanzer, Golan Shahar, Galia Avidan
Journal of social and clinical psychology 32 (1), 1
Erez Freud, Tzvi Ganel, Galia Avidan
NeuroImage 64, 685-692
Functional dissociation between perception and action is evident early in life
Bat‐Sheva Hadad, Galia Avidan, Tzvi Ganel
Developmental Science 15 (5), 653-658
Perceptual separability of featural and configural information in congenital prosopagnosia
Ruth Kimchi, Marlene Behrmann, Galia Avidan, Rama Amishav
Cognitive Neuropsychology 29 (5-6), 447-463